Head teacher

I am not from this village (Archerer), but I came here in 2022. Before I was working for a bigger school and I was posted here to uplift the community school. Before there was no school at all. The nearest school was 12 kilometers away. The community members themselves have set up a structure for a community school. With the support of WNCB 3 classrooms have been built, and the Ministry of Education will add two more. I am paid by the government.

Since I came here, through the work of the WNCB Alliance, 287 children stopped working in the mines and now go to school every day. With support from UNATU we create a safe space at school for the children where they feel well, where they learn and where they stay out of child labour.

Our challenge at the moment is that the school in the village only offers education until P4 (9-10 years). The older kids have to go to schools that are further way. We hope to add also the upper primary years, so children can stay and finish their primary education in their home village.
