Stories of Change

Stories of Change

Supply Chain Approach


Achieving a norms change on ‎child labour and ‎improving labour conditions for adults in the natural stone sector in Rajasthan, India, linked to the international supply chain.

Area-Based Approach



Working together with communities and governments at local and national level to eliminate child labour by economic strengthening of families and improving access to education in Karamoja.

Multi-stakeholder collaboration


Improving labour conditions, ensuring policy frameworks, and establishing access to training and education to ‎achieve sustainable changes in mining communities in Busia.‎

Community Mobilisation

India, all countries

Community mobilisers play a crucial role in implementing the WNCB programme’s strategy to eliminate child labour. A story about the work they do, their strategies and challenges.

Education: a key strategy

All countries

Working in the cocoa supply chain

Côte d’Ivoire

Child protection system strengthening


Supporting women and communities


Gender equality and social inclusion

All countries
