WNCB Multi-Stakeholder Symposium


Child labour in supply chains and producing countries: working together for a sustainable solution

• Event opening by WNCB programme management, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs – fighting child labour globally: what have we achieved and where do we go from here;
• Scalable best practices working with business, national and local governments and civil society leaders to get children out of work and back to school – results from WNCB country teams in Vietnam, Cote d’Ivoire and India.

• New EU CSDDD and domestic Responsible Business legislation; opportunities for effective action against child labour in supply chains and producing countries;
• Alliance 8.7 for a future without child labour, forced labour, modern slavery or human trafficking: calls to action from regional symposia in Asia and Africa – Global March against Child Labour.

• Meaningful Youth Participation: return on investment in preventing and eliminating child labour – Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).
• Effective stakeholder dialogue between private sector and civil society organisations: tackling child labour in high-risk sectors.
• Questions you always wanted to ask about an area based approach to eliminate child labour in cocoa, textile and mica supply chains.

Responsible Business & Child labour experts who will speak at the Symposium include:

  • Isabelle van Tol, Head Trade for Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Nguyen Ba Lam, Vietnam Senior Country Manager, The Centre for Child Rights & Business
  • Soumahoro Gbato, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Cote d’Ivoire
  • Manish Singh Gour, Managing Director, Manjari Sansthan India
  • Marco Dubbelt, Senior Director, Global March Against Child Labour
  • Vasilka Lalevska, Child Rights and Corporate Sustainability Advisor for Save the Children’s Child Rights and Business Global Hub
  • Manon Wolfkamp, Human Rights & Business expert
  • Varun Sharma, Programmes Director, ARAVALI India
  • Maggie de Jongh, Advisor Social Sustainability, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
  • Sara Benjamin, Deputy CEO, ADMC
  • Silvia Mera Senior Director Strategic Partnerships and Advocacy, Goodweave International
  • Annemarieke Jansen, Commercial Manager, IKEA Nederland
  • Cleo Gaulier-Wright, Policy & Fundraising Officer, International Cocoa Initiative (ICI)
  • Kristina Ullrich, Private Sector Engagement Officer, Terre des Hommes

Day host: Ama van Dantzig, facilitator and moderator, expert on social change, sustainability, gender, Africa, the arts.

Seats are limited, so sign up soon! Please register by sending an email to symposium@wncb.org with the name and organisation of the attendee(s).
