

Work: No Child’s Business symposium

Work: No Child’s Business organises the multi-stakeholder symposium
‘Child labour in supply chains and production countries: working together for a sustainable solution’

Thursday 10 October
The Social Hub | Hoefkade 9 | The Hague

During the symposium, representatives from government, business and civil society will discuss action steps to effectively end child labour and instead provide sustainable alternatives for children and their families. Only by working together we can offer durable solutions to child labour.


Keynote speakers | Panel discussion | Interactive breakout sessions around:

  • Fighting child labour sustainably with partners: results from India, Cote d’Ivoire and Vietnam
  • Meaningful stakeholder dialogue with civil society organisations and companies in high-risk sectors
  • From new due diligence legislation to effective action against child labour in supply chains and producing countries

… and more.

Moderated by Ama van Dantzig

Afterwards, there is an opportunity to mingle & meet at a festive networking reception. The detailed programme with speakers will follow after registration.

Please register by sending an email to with the name and organisation of the attendee(s).
