The village of Diassolon is part of the WNCB’s intervention area in the rural municipality of Domba in Mali. In February 2020 the village benefited from the support of a local NGO that built and equipped three classrooms and latrines. The village took part in the construction of these classrooms through the provision of certain building materials such as sand and gravel, as well as water for construction work, labour, accommodation and food of the construction company, transport of cement from the buying areas to the village, transport of equipment from Bamako to Diassolon (bench tables, sheet metal, corners, doors, windows, chairs and tables for masters).
The NGO in question does not intervene in the recruitment of teachers. WNCB was able to implement activities to identify about 100 children of school age in the village of Diassolon. Based on the principle that every child who is not in school is in potential danger to child labour, WNCB organized the various meetings that made it possible to have the following commitments:
1. The village of Diassolon through its village chief is committed to:
– Send all children of school age to school as soon as the village has teachers;
– Do not allow any children to go to the gold mining sites or risk punishment from the parents;
– Take care of the teachers’ accommodation and food.
2. The City Council is committed to:
– Recruit contract teachers and take their salaries into the municipal budget to respond to the emergency (school is part of the skills transferred to the community);
– Continue discussions with CAP to speed up teacher recruitment.
To support these actions, WNCB provided school kits to each registered child and establish supplementary judgments for any child who does not have a birth certificate. Through advocacy, WNCB facilitated the arrival of the teacher for the school.