
Webinar: Ending Child Labour is Everyone’s Business

Global Compact Network Netherlands, supported by the WNCB Alliance, organised an event on 18 March to bring together the Dutch private sector and invite them to participate in the global 2021 Action Pledge campaign for the International Year.


-Opening by Ms. Linda van Beek, Global Compact Network Netherlands
-Introduction by Ms. Suzanne Laszlo, director UNICEF Netherlands/Work: No Child’s Business
-Explaining international campaign and 2021 Action Pledges using this video
-Inspiring examples of Action Pledges by Dutch companies
-Follow-up on action pledges by Ms. Ingrid Thijssen, VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland
-Q&A and Closing

With one and a half weeks to go until the deadline, we hope to see many 2021 Action Pledges from the Dutch business community.

Trough this link you can watch the webinar (please note the event was in Dutch).
