WNCB Final Evaluation Report
WNCB is pleased to present the final evaluation report of our programme between 2019 – 2024, conducted by Syspons GmbH. The evaluation had three objectives: Firstly, to assess the impact of the WNCB programme through the systematic analysis of all existing programme data. Secondly, to identify scalable good practices at the intersection of the area-based and supply chain approaches, with a special focus on interventions targeted towards mitigating child labour in informal economies. Thirdly, to formulate a list of strategic recommendations and approaches that can be used for future action and collaborations by Alliance partners and other actors engaged in the fight against child labour.
WNCB Final Evaluation Management note
This Management Note outlines WNCB’s response to the main findings of the final evaluation and shares key take-aways for future programming to ensure that children and youth are free from child labour and enjoy their rights to quality education and (future) decent work, as well as WNCB’s reflections to the evaluation process.
The Role of WNCB’s Final Evaluation in MEAL
The WNCB final evaluation serves as the culmination of a comprehensive MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning) approach implemented over the five-year programme cycle. This document indicates how the evaluation builds upon a structured MEAL framework that integrated multiple methodologies to assess outcomes, adapt interventions, support continuous learning, and inform decision-making.