We call on the business sector to take responsibility throughout the whole supply chain and join forces with relevant stakeholders to eliminate child labour and realize sustainable solutions for all children and their families.
This requires:
- Focus on labour rights, based on international standards such as the ILO treaties, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, OECD guidelines and Children’s Rights and Business Principles.
- Business action and related interventions not only throughout global supply chains, but also inside the workplace and in communities.
- Focus on all forms of child labout. Not only in a specific secor but also with an area based approach, and also in sourcing and production areas.
- Cooperation on all levels to offer children an alternative towards quality education and/or decent youth employment.
- Sustainable solutions in corporate policies and cooperation.
More information
Do you want to know more about how to combat child labour?
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What do we do?
We work on different strategies and solutions towards eliminating child labour in the whole supply chain.
Provide more insight into the occurrence and severity of child labour and inform companies on the ‘gaps’ in their corporate responsibility and accountability, but also to share opportunities and best business practices.
Due diligence
Working with companies and business associations and monitoring their efforts to improve their policies and practices related to child labour and other labour rights to improve sustainable business actions. We promote companies to follow a due diligence process and to take supporting measures.

Children’s Rights and Business Principles
Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP) are a set of principles to guide all type of companies on the full range of actions they can take to respect and support children’s rights. We support companies to integrate child protection policies and mechanisms in their business activities and supply chains. And we provide services to sector organisations and companies to help address child rights violations.
Youth economic empowerment
We engage companies to define the skills needed for future jobs of youth, and to offer opportunities for job training, internships, apprenticeships and youth friendly employment in line with markets and demands.
Best practices
With systematic documentation and regular sharing of experiences and best practices we motivate the business sector to scale activities.