WNCB Multi-Stakeholder Symposium

Work: No Child’s Business organises the multi-stakeholder symposium

The Hague, Thursday 10 October 2024

Join us for an inspirational symposium and engage with government and policymakers, businesses and civil society actors
to tackle child labour now!

Since 2020, the number of children trapped in child labour has increased for the first time in 20 years, and that is unacceptable. New due diligence legislation, actions plans launched by governments and solution-focused collaborations between public, private and social actors are creating opportunities to turn the tide.

That’s why the Work: No Child’s Business alliance partners invite stakeholders from all sectors to this engaging symposium, featuring national and international child labour experts. Let’s take action together to get children out of work and back to school! Expect:

  • Fighting child labour sustainably with partners: replicable results from India, Cote d’Ivoire and Vietnam
  • Meaningful stakeholder dialogue with civil society organisations and companies in high-risk sectors
  • From new due diligence legislation to effective action against child labour in supply chains and producing countries

… and more.

After the programme, you’re invited to mingle & meet with other symposium attendees at a festive networking reception.

Seats are limited, so sign up soon! Please register by sending an email to symposium@wncb.org with the name and organisation of the attendee(s).
