Women’s Self Help Group Shree Radhika
The SHG Shree Radhika was formed four to five years ago. The women collect savings every month and provide small loans to the group members. In total they now have around 200,000 Rupees (€2,250) in their SHG account. The SHG asked Manjari to support them with a flour grinder. They used to go to Dhabi, around ten kilometres away, to grind their wheat, but this could easily take half a day and also involved transportation costs. Now, with a wheat grinder installed in the SHG leader’s house (the home of one of the village elders), the women save a lot of time. The grinder is used by the SHG and other families in the hamlet (about 30 families). The group charge three Rupees per kilogram for use of the grinder. In addition to wheat, the machine is able to grind maize and spices.
Youth and sports
For children and youth, Manjari uses sports activities to boost their aspirations and confidence.
“We distributed sports materials to twenty children’s groups. They play in a safe environment with their friends and discuss their tensions.”
Manjari also visits cobble yards and organises games and storytelling nearby so that children can play for an hour or two. Manjari organises an annual WNCB cricket tournament in conjunction with youth clubs, unions and cobble yards. More than twenty teams from different mining areas take part.